Cryoprobe – Freezepen

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Freezepen & Cryoprobe Xp

World’s Best Non-Invasive Treatment For Removing Benign Skin Lesions NO ANESTHESIA. NO DOWNTIME. NO SCARS.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is the gold standard for the removal of skin lesions in dermatology and aesthetic practices. It is the controlled destruction of unwanted skin growth through the application of extreme cold. Today, Freezpen & CryoProbe XP provide the most precise and efficient cryotherapy treatment, effectively eliminating unwanted blemishes with minimal discomfort or risk of side effects

Imagine stepping out with flawless skin that turns heads. That’s the power of Freezpen Cryotherapy Vancouver BC at Reign MediSpa. But why imagine? It’s time to turn your skin goals into reality.

Don’t let skin imperfections hold you back any longer. Discover the transformative power of Freezpen Cryotherapy at Reign MediSpa, Vancouver, BC. Book your appointment today and enter a world where flawless skin isn’t just a dream; it’s your new reality. Your journey to impeccable skin starts with a call. Make it now because beautiful skin waits for no one.

Freezpen & CryoProbe XP provide safe, quick, and effective solution for all benign lesions:

How it Works

CryoProbe rapidly and precisely freezes the lesion to -89ºC and avoids damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

Ice crystals immediately form within the lesion and destroy the cells that comprise it.

During healing, the skin eliminates the frozen lesion and replaces it with new healthy skin.
